
Our Products

Amaranth Proteins

At Nans Products Group, we specialize in manufacturing and exporting high-quality amaranth proteins. By innovating traditional Indian agriculture, we meet diverse industrial needs worldwide. Our amaranth proteins offer unparalleled nutritional benefits, making them an ideal choice for various dietary and industrial applications.

Chemistry of Proteins in Amaranth: Amaranth is rich in amino acids, containing 18 out of the 20 different amino acids required for a complete protein. These include essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize, making amaranth a complete and reliable protein source, particularly for vegans.

Physiology of Proteins in the Body: Women over 18 years should consume 46g of protein per day, while men should consume 56g. A cup of cooked amaranth provides 9.35g of protein, contributing significantly to daily protein needs.

Isolated Amaranth Proteins: High-quality, isolated amaranth proteins for various dietary and industrial applications.

Comparison of Protein Content (per 100 grams):

Parameter/Grain Amaranth Wheat Corn Rice Oats
Protein 14-19% 12.8 % 09.4 % 05.6 % 15.8 %

Applications & Benefits

Applications of Amaranth Proteins

  • Dietary Supplement: Suitable for vegetarians, athletes, and those requiring enhanced protein intake.
  • Medical Nutrition: Beneficial for patients with food allergies, gluten intolerance, and those in recovery or with severe illnesses.
  • Special Diets: Ideal for gluten-free diets, diabetic patients, and individuals seeking high-quality plant-based proteins.

Benefits of Amaranth Proteins

  • High Protein Content: Amaranth contains more protein than any other gluten-free grain.
  • Rich in Lysine: Amaranth is an excellent source of lysine, an essential amino acid typically low in other grains.
  • High Biological Value: The protein content of amaranth is similar to milk proteins, providing an excellent combination of essential amino acids.
  • Superior Digestibility: The primary proteins in amaranth, albumins, and globulins, are more soluble and digestible compared to prolamins found in wheat.